Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer With Us!

Our Hilltop Heroes! Each year Hilltop House helps hundreds of children and their families by providing them with quality early childhood education, infant childcare, afterschool programs, supplemental food, and other resources they need to succeed.

As a non-profit we manage that with a small, skilled and dedicated staff – and an essential roster of qualified volunteers. You can be part of seeing changed lives and newfound personal confidence for a better, more promising tomorrow through the opportunities and training we provide to our volunteers.

There are many ways your helping hands can make a difference at Hilltop Neighborhood House.


Child Care Centre

  • Front Desk – Serve as a greeter, admit families through our secure entry, and assist with mailings and other office tasks
  • Infant Rooms – Rock, feed, cuddle and play with infants.
  • Toddler Rooms – Supervise and play, indoors and outdoors. Assist with preparing meals and snacks, and help children wash their hands.
  • Kindergarten Readiness – Help with projects, crafts and preschool assignments. Assist with serving lunch-from-home and snacks. Supervise outdoor playtime and occasional field trips.
  • Food Program – Organize, prepare and serve breakfast and morning snacks, and aid in preparing individual-sized snacks for the remainder of the day, all from Hilltop’s kitchen. 

Hilltop Food Pantry

  • Intake – Greet clients and help them sign-in.
  • Food Orders – Prepare bags of food for clients. Shop with our Pantry Coordinator to fill gaps in donated food and stock shelves with purchases and donations.
  • Mobile Pantry Hosting – Assist with loading the mobile food pantry, setting up the scheduled event, and distributing bags of food and basic supplies

Special Events

  • Play key roles for fundraisers like our annual Soups Dinner
  • Help host the annual Hilltop Pantry Community Block Party
  • Serve on-call for other events like Summer Outdoor Movies where we build relationships and tell people about Hilltop’s programs

How to become a Hilltop Volunteer?

Questions? Call Hilltop’s Volunteer Coordinator at (219) 477-4222 or email Lexi at ldunkel@hilltophouse.org

  • Come take a tour if you are interested in volunteering. Visit a classroom or the pantry.
  • Apply and tell us what interests you the most (link to online, emailable form)
  • Interview with Hilltop’s Volunteer Coordinator
  • Know that all volunteers are over 18 years of age and subject to state-mandated requirements for vaccinations including COVID-19, and health and background checks (National and Indiana background check, drug screening
  • Once approved, the Volunteer Coordinator will work with you to develop a mutually agreed schedule, typically in two-hour blocks.
  • You will find that the staff and children really depend upon our HIlltop volunteers. No doubt you will receive some Hilltop logo-wear to celebrate your commitment to serve. Volunteers are asked to provide advance notice when they are unable to fulfill a scheduled commitment so that another can be found as a substitute.

Need More Info?

Please call:

(219) 477-4222

Interested in Conducting a Food Drive?

Working together, we thrive! How will you support Hilltop?